
Welcome to Galleria de F

Founded in Texas, Galleria de F is a new and vibrant art gallery that emerged onto the scene less than a year ago. While may not yet have an established physical space, our essence is rooted in the cerativity and passion of a singlular artist.

Our gallery is. more than jsut a place to display art; it’s a vision, a purpose, and an inspiration. Our mission is to remind each individual that they are not alone on this journey. Their journey. Through the diverse mediums of art, particularly painting, we seek to inspire the greatness within every human being. Our desire is to touch hearts, ignite creativity, and foster personal growth.

At Galleria de F, we celebrate the power of artisitic expression in all its forms. Our primary focus lies in showcasing array of painting styles across various mediums. With each stroke of the brush, every splash of color, and the intricate details within each piece, we aim to captivate the senses and stir emotions.

Join us in this journey of exploration, connection, and transformation. As we embark on this artistic endeavor, we invite you to experience the world through the eyes of our featured artist and find inspiration that resonates on a personal level. Together, let’s celabrate the beauty of human creativity and the boundless potential that lies within us all. F has no meaning til we give it meaning. This is just the beginning.

Thank you for being a part of Galleria de F.

This is not a brand, but an idea that began in the mind of artist Cristian Flores. it originated in the valley, deep South Texas, but represents the dreams of most kids growing up in neighborhoods and barrios of not only the U.S., but all around the world. Kids dreaming of a way out. F has no meaning til we give it meaning. The goal is to change the world by changing the worlds around us. This is just the beginning.

Artist Bio

Artist: Cristian Flores

A Statement: “ Each piece of art, reveals a piece of me in the hope of revealing peace in you. Nothing will get you as high as this. Drugs change the way we see, love is the only thing that can save us. In this changing world, what inspires me the most is the life in which my art will land next. This art isn’t about me. It’s about you. It’s about what is reflecting back towards you in that mirror and ultimately how you decide to react to it. ”